Adult Lesson Articles

Adult Lesson Articles

What to Wear Skiing & Snowboarding

Dialing in your outerwear will help you have a great day on the slopes. Conditions at Sugar Bowl range from blizzard days with gale-force winds to sunny spring T-shirt weather. Be prepared to dress for success in a variety of different weather scenarios.

5 Exercises for Skiing & Riding

Check out five ways to prepare the key muscles— “primary movers”— that you’ll use skiing and riding this season (think knees, thighs, glutes and core.) Demonstration by Jamey Conley, Director of Performance at Sugar Bowl Academy.

What Level Ski Lesson is Right for Me?

Our ski lessons are offered in four levels so you can join a group that’s tailored to your skill level: Level 1 (first time), Level 2 (beginner zone), Level 3 (low intermediate), Level 4 (high intermediate). Let’s decide which lesson is right for you.

Have a Smooth First Day on the Slopes: 8 Ways

With the right preparation and a couple helpful pointers, you’ll have a lot of fun learning to ski or ride at Sugar Bowl Resort. Check out these insider tips to make your first day on the slopes a success.

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