What days is the 3 Pack valid for?
The 3 Pack is valid to reserve any three days of the 2021/22 season (including Saturdays), March 1 - mid-April.
Why do I have to reserve my days? Can I just show up?
To maintain our uniquely uncrowded experience, we limit the number of visitors to the mountain and this will include those with 3 Packs. Sorry, but you cannot use your 3 Pack without a reservation.
Do the days have to be consecutive?
No. You may use the 3 Pack any three days you choose during valid periods. You may choose to use your 3 Pack for three days in a row, but that is not required.
Can I transfer my 3 Pack to another person?
No. The 3 Pack is only valid for the person issued the Pack. All 3 days much be used by the 3 Pack holder on separate days.
I’m not going to use all my days on the 3 Pack, can they be used next season?
No. The 3 Pack is valid for the 2021/2022 season only. No refunds or credits will be provided for unused days.
Can I use my 3 Pack at Royal Gorge?
No. The 3 Pack is only valid for Sugar Bowl.
How do I get my 3 Pack?
Once purchased you may log-in to reserve your dates. Simply select your date and click submit. You can then load that date onto an existing ticket card or elect to purchase a new ticket card. Once confirmed you will receive an email with a QR code which can be taken to a self service pick-up station to retrieve your ticket, or go direct to lift if you reloaded.
How do I change a date using Pack Flex?
Simply log into your account and then go to the store's "Reservations" product category and look for the "Spring Fling 3 Pack - 1 Day Reservation" product. Select your new desired date and the person you are making the reservation for. There, you will see how many dates that person has booked and which dates are eligible to cancel. Click cancel, confirm, then select the new date you would like to visit.
Who can I contact if I have questions?