Let’s Play Sugar Bowl Bingo!
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Are you ready to play Bingo Whiteout?? This is a great way to explore around the resort and win some cool Sugar Bowl swag. This contest is open till the end of the 2023/24 season or till the first 50 people complete it. Ready, set, BINGO!
Bingo Whiteout Rules
- Take a screenshot of the bingo card (located below), you can mark off each square however you choose.
- You must complete all the squares.
- To prove you’ve completed each challenge, you’ll take a selfie/ photo doing each activity. (Make sure we can see your face!) We will ask the winners to submit all 14 selfies to verify each challenge was completed.
- To submit your bingo card, email your photos to info@sugarbowl.com.
- Contest is open for the remainder of the 23/24 season.
- First 10 people to complete win an 85th commemorative poster, a custom blackstrap neck tube, and a Sugar Bowl hat.
- Next 40 people to complete win a poster and a neck tube.
- You must complete the whole card yourself, no collaborating on a bingo card to get a “bingo whiteout” as a team. That said, you can absolutely do the challenge with friends, just make sure that each of you is filling out your own bingo card independently.