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Sugar Bowl Team

Let’s Play Sugar Bowl Bingo!

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Are you ready to play Bingo Whiteout?? This is a great way to explore around the resort and win some cool Sugar Bowl swag. This contest is open till the end of the 2023/24 season or till the first 50 people complete it. Ready, set, BINGO!

Bingo Whiteout Rules

  1. Take a screenshot of the bingo card (located below), you can mark off each square however you choose.
  2. You must complete all the squares. 
  3. To prove you’ve completed each challenge, you’ll take a selfie/ photo doing each activity. (Make sure we can see your face!) We will ask the winners to submit all 14 selfies to verify each challenge was completed. 
  4. To submit your bingo card, email your photos to
  5. Contest is open for the remainder of the 23/24 season.
  6. First 10 people to complete win an 85th commemorative poster, a custom blackstrap neck tube, and a Sugar Bowl hat.
  7. Next 40 people to complete win a poster and a neck tube.
  8. You must complete the whole card yourself, no collaborating on a bingo card to get a “bingo whiteout” as a team. That said, you can absolutely do the challenge with friends, just make sure that each of you is filling out your own bingo card independently.
bingo card
2023/24 Bingo Card
Authentic Alpine Experience
Perched atop Donner Summit, Sugar Bowl Resort has been family owned since the beginning in 1939. While visiting Sugar Bowl much of the historic charm is still maintained within the modern resort. Touches of Austrian character and Bavarian styling provide a glimpse into Hannes Schroll's and other founders' vision for this unique mountain.
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