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<b>Maggie</b> aka <i>"The Turninator"</i>
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Maggie aka "The Turninator"

The Green Team

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This week, our year-round employees joined forces to carry out another successful “green up” event at Sugar Bowl. Our Human Resources Director, Diane Binder, led the charge to remove trash from the resort and nearby roadways. Diane explains the green team’s mission:

“Every few weeks in the spring and summer we set aside two hours for all employees to step away from their regular work assignment and come together to grab a trash bag, gloves, and a picker and go out to “green up” a section of Sugar Bowl’s grounds.”

“Sugar Bowl’s Core Value #1 is to love and respect nature and the outdoors. Our employees care deeply about the environment and take pride in our mountain being a responsible organization in terms of environmental and sustainability goals. These “green up” events are just one small part of our overall sustainability efforts and great reminder that everyone, regardless of department or job, plays a role in helping to make a positive impact in our community.”

Two employees removing trash.
From new employees to senior management, everyone came out to help the effort!

How much trash did the team remove? 

“This past “green up” was a huge success. Our team members found a lot of really large and heavy items (rolls of carpet, wooden boards, sheets of metal, etc.) We had three full loads in the back of a pick-up truck of items that were picked up disposed of properly.”

Cleaning up trash on Donner Summit. Loading trash into the truck.
Hauling the trash away in trucks to dispose of it properly.

Is participating in a green up event fun, gross, tiring or all three? 

“FUN! Our employees enjoy switching up their day to do something different, challenging, and fun. It also helps foster a sense of community and teamwork. Temperatures were in the high 80’s at the “green up” so aside from fun, it was really warm and a bit exhausting due to the heavy items but the team embraced the challenge!”

Cleaning up trash on Donner Summit
Anyone missing an office chair?

What was the funniest or most interesting item of trash found? 

“My personal favorite at this “green up” was a plush navy blue office chair with wheels that was rolled out from a ditch. However It was a little too gross for anyone to sit on.”

How can other people find out more information about hosting their own “green up” events? 

‘It truly doesn’t take much effort aside from coordinating a day, time, and location. Once you have some clean up supplies which are relatively cheap and a few drinks and snacks as refreshments for the teams’ hard work you are good to go. The most important thing is just to make the effort to prioritize these types of events.”

Thanks to our team members who participated in this event. A friendly reminder to all — reduce waste wherever possible and be sure to place refuse into the appropriate recycle/trash container.

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